

Europe is owned by the bulk of the Central Alliance, it is the main body and where the government senate usually meets. The Capital for the Alliance as a whole is around Rome, Italy. The Straight of Gibraltar and Nile Delta from attackers. The Base in Cyprus defends the entire Mediterranean and is the site for the Alliances Mobile Suit testing.

last post in Unknown Visitors by Rahu Valefor Oct 31, 2015 12:42:07 GMT -8

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The Northern African Region has been allied to the Central Alliance, however much of the continent still remains independent and full of infighting. A small outpost long Egypt's side of the Nile River has been in constant battle.

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Asia makes up the entirety of the Grand Easter Union, but the continent is so big that defending it from armed groups and insurgents is a tough task. The Xin Lu Base in Mongolia is one of the military's largest installations on the continent, followed by the Ruby Base in India.

last post in Frosty Stimulation - [Open: GEU/Adamant] by Stardust Oct 4, 2015 14:15:55 GMT -8

1 1


Australia is an independent body that has grouped with the southern Asian Island Regions to create the Alliance of Independent Nations. They do not have a modernized military like the rest of the world, often looking towards their EDU neighbor for support.

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Eastern Hemisphere

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created by Stardust last post by Peace_Creed
Nov 13, 2015 16:15:03 GMT -8
1 reply
created by Stardust last post by Stardust
Oct 21, 2015 20:59:30 GMT -8


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Eastern Hemisphere
The Eastern Hemisphere is divided by the Central Alliance, the Alliance of Independent Nations, the Middle East Coalition and the Grand Eastern Union. The GEU owns most of Asia minus Sri Lanka and the Alliance owns Europe and Northern Africa. You can find their sub sections here.
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