
North America

North America is the main body for the United Allied Federation, as its capital is situated in Washington DC. The UFA defends the inland regions very seriously. There are a couple military bases around he NA Area, but the most developed one is current the Florida Base on the southern tip of the state.

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South America

South America is a mostly UAF Supportive region, however several countries like Peru and Chile choose to remain unaffiliated for personal reasons. The UAF's East Brazilian Base "Barillia" is the most heavily armed in the region

last post in Operation Black Thunder by Luminae Nov 3, 2015 20:26:28 GMT -8

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Western Hemisphere

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created by Stardust last post by Peace_Creed
Nov 13, 2015 16:15:03 GMT -8
1 reply
created by Stardust last post by Stardust
Oct 21, 2015 20:59:30 GMT -8


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Western Hemisphere
North America and South American regions can be found here in their sub sections. The United Federation Alliance controls most of this side of the planet, aside from a few independent nations.
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